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Rgedit 0.8 Help

(c) 2009 - 2012, Dan Dediu

First, please be aware of several potential security issues when installing new wizards!

Table of Contents

    Main features
    Notes and FAQ


Rgedit is a gedit  plug-in tranforming it into a light weight IDE capable to interface primarily with the statistical programming environment R , but also with other interactive software packages such as Octave octave and Pyhton , and even work remotely through, for example, SSH connections.

The project was inspired by the amazing rkward , JGR , Tinn-R and RStudio RStudio (congratulations for a very good job!), which provide full-featured IDEs for R, designed for KDE , Java , MS Windows , and cross-platformm respectively.

Rgedit, however, aims to offer a simpler set of features than them, providing the proficient/professional R (and Octave, Python, etc.) user an environment which would boost their efficieny while keeping interference and resources consumption to a minimum. Moreover, by using GTK+  and gedit, it is better suited not only to users of Gnome  and Xfce, but also to those who prefer for example Openbox  or Fluxbox Fluxbox and their own collection of applications. In fact, Rgedit is designed to facilitate working with R (and Octave, Python, etc.) under Linux  more or less independently of the Window Manager/Desktop Environment (I now work primarily on OpenSuse OpenSuse  and CentOS CentOS, but this project was developed and used also on Debian  , Archlinux and Ubuntu ).

          Main features

Below is a screen shot of a session using Rgedit (screenshots taken on a variety of systems: Debian Lenny/Gnome, ArchLinux/Xfce & Openbox, Debian Squeeze/Xfce, Ubuntu 10.04/Gnome).

This shot illustrates some of the main features of Rgedit:
More options are provided by the R menu captured below:

The options accessible through the "Configure R interface" menu are the same as those accessible through gedit's plug-in configuration and are shown below:

Side panel options

Code folding options

Please note that some changes affecting R consoles (namely Use HTML help?, Use tab name in R's prompt? and prompt color) assume that R is running in the console and that R is actually able to process commands. This is because these change R options through option() commands which must be changes for the process to succeed; therefore, please avoid making this kind of changes when R is not running in one of the consoles or when typing commands to R or R is busy doing something.

The R consoles can be either attached to (embedded in, see bove) gedit's bottom panel (the default) or detached (a stand-alone window, see below), in which case they can be moved and resized at will. When detached, Ctrl+Tab does not work, but the standard window manager's windows switching shortcut (usually, Alt+Tab) does. Also, the position and size of the detached R console is saved and automatically restored. To switch between the attached and detached states use the Attach R Console/Detach R Console menu entry or simply close the detached R console to embed it. The "Start R console detached from gedit's bottom panel?" option controlls if the R console starts detached or attached (the default).

From the R console's context menu (right click) you can:

Pressing Ctrl+Tab in a gedit document/tab will give the focus to the bottom pane and if the active tab in the bottom pane is an R console, pressing Ctrl+Tab again will give back the focus to the active gedit document/tab. Thus, assuming that an R console is active in the bottom pane, Ctrl+Tab switches the focus between it and the active document.
Please note that when the R console is detached, Ctrl+Tab is replaced by the window manager's window switching mechanism (in most cases, Alt+Tab).

One possible use scenario for rgedit is to edit a line of code in the R console using the various TAB-completion capabilities and incrementally test it, and then paste this working code in the R script: now this scenario is helped by two keyboard shortcuts in the R console: <Ctrl>K copies the last executed R line to clipboard, while <Ctrl><Shift>K also pastes this in the current gedit document at the cursor's position.

Selecting the "Close R Console" menu will close all open R tabs as well as the bottom panel tab/detached window containing R, in effect, closing the whole R console by seding to all running shells a SIGHUP signal.


From the user's point of view, Wizards are standardized dialogs allowing him/her to interactively define various parameters and which, in the end, generate pieces of R code to be run in the console, pasted in the R current document or both. Wizards can be accessed either through the R menu or through the right-click menu and as an example we will use the Wizard for plotting a histogram:

Wizards menu

Selecting the Plots a histogram menu opens the wizard with the default values:


The user can give/select the relevant parameters using the messages, tooltips and the help page prduced by clicking on the Help button, as exemplified below:


By clicking Inspect code a widnow is opened presenting the user with the actual R code which will be generated using his/her values for the parameters. This code is generated from a predefined template (see below) and can be edited and checked for any possible issues:

R code

In this case, the code simply draws a histogram (hist()) using the defined x parameter (in this case, rnorm(10000), but one could use already defined variables: for example, we could have already defined x.test <- rnorm(10000) before calling the wizard, in which case using x.test as the value of x would be meaningful and produce the same outcome). Clicking Paste and Run both pastes this R code in the current document at the cursor's position (lines 745-746 in the screenshot below) and runs the same code in the current R console (last 2 lines in the R console in the screenshot), producing, as expected, the histogram in  the image:


This is just a simple wizard for illustration purposes, but more complex wizards can have more than a single dialog and Back and Next allow the navigation through them.

Wizards can also use the current selection in the current document as the value of a specially-defined parameter, like, for example, the Wizards -> Helpers -> View and edit -> View dataframe or matrix, where, for example, if we select rnorm(10000) in line 746 in the above screenshot, results in rnorm(10000) being automatically taken as the thing to be displayed:


The fileds marked with a star (*) are required fields which must be defined before the wizard can successfully end.

A special class of wizards have no interface (i.e., the user does not need to give any parameters through this interface), as is the case for the Package management wizards, allowing the user to install, update and load packages through a pre-defined GUI (similar to the standard interfaces on Windows and Mac OS).

This set of core packages is released independently of rgedit and the initial version (0.1) contains a small set, mostly for demostration purposes, which is expected to increase:

- Association tests
    - Correlation: basic correlation between two numeric vectors, illustrating a wizard with two dialogs;
- Data import and export: saving, loading and importing data from and to R
    - Write data to flat file
    - Write R data to file
    - Read data from Excel file
    - Read data from flat file
    - Read data from SPSS file
    - Read previously saved R data
- Helpers:
    - Search help: search the help for a keyrowd using ?
    - View and edit:
       - View dataframe or matrix: showData()
       - Edit dataframe or matrix: fix()
- Package management:
    - Install packages from a CRAN mirror
    - Update packages from a CRAN mirror
    - Choose CRAN mirror
    - Load package
- Plots: basic plotting functions, for illustration purposes
    - Plots a histogram
    - Boxplot of a single variable
    - Plots the data versus observation index
- Regression:
    - Logistic regression
    - Multiple linear regression

Thus, wizards allow rgedit to become more user-friendly, especially for those learning R, by encapsulating frequently used and/or complex R scripts in a series of menus and GUIs.

However, the real power of wizards is that, by contrast to other packages offering menus and GUIs over R (Windows and Mac OS interfaces, rkward, Rcommander, etc), they can de very easily created and changed with minimal programming skills. In fact, a wizard is an XML file defining the parameters of interest, the R template and the mechanism of transfroming these two into the final, customized R code the user want. I will illustrate these below using the same Plots a histogram wizard. The wizard is defined in the plots_hist.xml file in the Wizards folder of the rgedit folder (usually, ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/RCtrl):

01 <!-- Define a rwizard -->
02 <rwizard name="hist" description="Plots a histogram"
03          menu="/Plots" icon="plots_hist.png">
04     <about
05         name="Histogram"
06         version="0.1"
07         copyright="(c) 2010 Dan Dediu"
08         comments="Plots a histogram. Inspired by R Commander's 'Histogram'"
09         license="GLPv3"
10         website="http://rgedit.sourceforge.net/"
11         authors="Dan Dediu &lt;ddediu@hotmail.com&gt;"
12         documenters=""
13         artists=""
14         translator_credits=""
15         logo_icon_name="plots_hist.png"/>
17     <help rhelp="?hist"/>
19     <vars> 
20         <block title="Histogram's parameters...">
21             <variable name="x" description="The variable to be plotted" type="text" default="" required="True" tooltip="Must represent a numeric vector"/>
22             <variable name="breaks" description="The alhorithm for computing the breaks" type="text" default='"Sturges"' required="True" tooltip="See documentation for possible values. Please quote strings!"/>
23             <variable name="freq" description="Represent frequencies" type="list" singlechoice="True" default="0" required="False" tooltip=''>
24                 <value name="default"/>
25                 <value name="TRUE"/>
26                 <value name="FALSE"/>
27             </variable>
28             <variable name="main" description="The plot's main title" type="text" default="default" required="True" tooltip="Make sure to quote fixed strings!"/>
29             <variable name="xlab" description="The x-axis label" type="text" default="default" required="True" tooltip="Make sure to quote fixed strings!"/>
30             <variable name="ylab" description="The y-axis label" type="text" default="default" required="True" tooltip="Make sure to quote fixed strings!"/>
31         </block>
32     </vars> 
34     <!-- The actual R code template: only strange things are the placeholders call using ${PLACEHOLDER_NAME} and the Python code $[...$] -->
35     <template>
36 hist( x=${x}, breaks=${breaks} $[Python '' if '${freq}'=='default' else ', ${freq}' $] $[Python '' if '${main}' == "default" else ', main=${main}' $] $[Python '' if '${xlab}' == "default" else ', xlab=${xlab}' $] $[Python '' if '${ylab}' == "default" else ', ylab=${ylab}' $] )
37     </template>
39 </rwizard>

The rwizard element defines the wizard with the given unique name (used internally only), a short description (used to generate the menu), the path in the Wizards menu where to insert this wizard and an optional icon file.

It can have an About box defined by the about element: please note that given that this is an XML file, one must use escape sequences like &lt; for < and &gt; for > as done in the authors attribute to give the e-mail address!

It can also have some html information, given by the help element, which can have any of the following attributes: file (give a local file), url (a remote file) or rhelp (giving an actual sequence of R command to be run in order to procude the help).

The vars element contains one or more block elements. One block creates a dialog box (like the one exemplified above for Plots a histogram) containing fields as defined by the contained variable elements. One variable element defines a single variable with a given name, a description of the variable, a type, a default value, a flag specifying if it is required for the variable to have a non-empty value in order for the wizard to finish correctly and an optional tooltip text to be displayed when the mouse is over this variable in the dialog box. There can be several types of variables:
Finally, the template element gives the R code template and the replacement rules. This gives a fragment of text which is transformed into actual R code to be pasted into the current document and/or to be run in the R console simply by copying it literally except for replacing the variable placeholders with their actual values and running any given Python code and replacing it with the resulting value.

For example, line 36 begins with hist( x=${x}, . A variable placeholder begins with ${ and end with } and contains the name of a variable defined by a previous variable element, in this case, x defined on line 21 as being a required text. Suppose (as in our Plots a histogram example) that the user has typed rnorm(10000) as the value of x; then, ${x}  will be replaced by rnorm(10000), producing the final text hist( x=rnorm(10000), . Similarily, ${breaks} will be replaced by "Sturges".
However, now we encounter a Python fragment, marked by $[Python and $], and which contain a Pyhton expression which will be evaluated by the Python interpreter to produce a value. Please note that the evaluation taks place after all variable placeholders (if any) are replaced by their actual values, as just described. Thus, $[Python '' if '${freq}'=='default' else ', ${freq}' $], will give $[Python '' if 'default'=='default' else ', default' $] after replacing ${freq} by its given value default (very importantly, please note that quotes are not automatically provided in this replacement process and have to be given explicitely, if necessary! This is why the title of the plot, in this case, must be given with quotes if it is a fixed string - see the tooltip message). Afterwards this Python code is evaluated to '', which will replace this whole code in the end.
After all these replacements, the template defined in line 36 will be replaced by the text hist( x=rnorm(10000), breaks="Sturges",  main="Histogram of normal distrib"   ), which will be presented to the user for pasting/running (as shown above for Plots a histogram).

This mechanism allows the quick defintion of complex wizards through an easy to understand XML file. Moreover, it is very flexible and powerful as we can use Python code to post-process the values given by user in order to generate complex fragments of R code. However, there are two potential security issues:
  1. in order to unleash the full power of Python (an example of complex string processing is given by the plots_index_plot.xml wizard), the Python code defined within $[Python and $] is allowed access to the __builtins__, which means that malicious code can even delete all your files (see here a discussion: http://diveintopython3.org/advanced-iterators.html#eval)
  2. even if the Python code within the template won't format your HDD and eat your cat, there is the possibility that the generated R code will do that.


Don't say you haven't been warned! If you don't have any wizards installed or you have checked those you have, then you should be safe.

And to close on an optimisitc note, you can write your own wizards!


Profiles are very flexible and powerful and have their own dedictaed help file (also accessible from rgedit's "Edit profiles" dialog) here.

      Notes and FAQ

These are several notes and questions on different aspects of Rgedit:

  1. Quitting R in a console: it is possible to quit R in an R console in the usual way (i.e, q()) but note that the workspace is not automatically saved on exit nor is the system asking you for that (namely, the R sessions are spawned with  --no-save --no-restore arguments). Upon quitting, a standard shell is available from with R can be relaunched (with R --no-save --no-restore) or any other command executed as you would do from a normal shell;
  2. Closing R console tabs: there can be at most three R console tabs simultaneously open and only consoles 2 and 3 can be closed. To do this, quit R in the standard manner (see above) and simply type exit when in the shell. Typing exit in the first R console (after quitting R there) will have no effect (technically, it will respawn a shell after quitting the current one);
  3. Defining, running and deleting source code blocks: blocks are contiguous sequences of source code starting at the begining of a given line and ending at the begining of another line. They are marked with symbols in the left margin and colored background. There can be only two blocks defined at any moment in a given source file, identified as block 1 and block 2. Block 1 is marked with symbols  and and the background color is light blue (for an example, see the first screenshot), while block 2 is marked with symbols  and  and the background color is gold. Defining a block is very easy: just select the lines you want to be contained (not necessarily starting at the beging of the first and ending at end of the last line) and press the define block 1  or define block 2  toolitem or menu entries: if the block was already defined it will be simply replaced with the new one. Please, note that the last line of the block is actually the beginning of the last selected line plus one. Editing the text within a defined block will cause the block to automatically adjust;
  4. Copy and paste in the R console: in an R console, <Ctrl+V> can be used to Paste but <Ctrl+C> can still used to stop the current R process, but it can also be allowed to copy the current selection; however, the right-click menu gives easy access to Copy and Paste actions;
  5. Text coloring in R console: due to the fact that the interaction with R is done through the terminal (see note viii), the amount of coloring text is limited; however, the R promot can be colored using xterm escape sequences and this helps a lot in easily identifying commands entered as opposed to text produced by R. However, due to the way in which the prompt character length is computed by R's line editor, these escape sequences are considered by R as actual characters, resulting in corruptions of the current line (extra characters at the begining). If the advantage of having a colored prompt exceed the corruption of the current line during editing, then feel free to enable this option;
  6. Icons and artwork in general: as you have probably noted, I am definitely not the most gifted artist in the Universe! Couple this with my tendency towards minimalism and you get the icons and design in Rgedit. However, .if you have better skills and ideas, please consider contributing to the project on SourceForge.
  7. GTK+ and Python programming: also, please note that even if I do have a lot of (especially C/C++) programming experience, this is my first ever project using GTK+  and Pyhton  (more exactly, PyGTK), so please be forgiving about less than optimal (to be nice) programming decisions. Again, if you feel you can improve bits an pieces please consider contributing to the project on SourceForge;
  8. Why communicate with R through the console as opposed to embedding the shared library? This is a legitimate question, given that the embedding of R's shared library is the recommended strategy for building R GUIs and a number of R IDEs (including rkward) do it this way? Well, this decision has both pros and cons (as usual). The cons are obvious and include limited interaction with R (e.g., Rgedit cannot browse, display and edit in a nice way the defined objects in the current workspace) but the pros include a lighter and faster IDE which does not require any compiling nor does it bring R down because of its own bugs (no criticism of other IDEs intended!). Plus, it's much easier to write and maintain. If you think otherwise, please let me know your reasons and suggestions and either contribute to this project, start a new one or use one of the other IDEs/editors listed here;
  9. To whom is Rgedit best addressed? I designed Rgedit with the proficient/professional R user in mind, a user which does not need a menu-driven interface to data analysis but is comfortable with the script itself, the R extensive help and R's website search facilities. Such a user supposedly would need a way to edit their extensive and complex R scripts and a good editor like gedit would obviously help. They would also need a way to pipe sections of this script into R and see what happens. Eventually, using relimp's very good showData() function to see how a data.frame looks and very rarely fix() to edit it would be more than enough. For beginners and casual users I would certainly recommend rkward, JGR or R Commander instead!


This project would not have been possible without the R project in the first place, and the ideas I've got from its pre-existing IDEs, mainly rkward, Tinn-R and JGR - congratulations for a very good job! Secondly, I have been helped a lot by various examples, tutorials and dicussions concerning GTK+, pygtk and python, too many to be included here, but very important ones are http://www.pygtk.org/, http://library.gnome.org/devel/references, http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/PythonPluginHowTo, http://www.python.org/ and Paolo Borelli's old VTE terminal for gedit python code (included in gedit-plugins 2.6.23). The wizards idea has been initially discussed with Aleksandar Blagotić and some have been inspired by Rcommander and the standard Windows R GUI.

I hope you will enjoy using Rgedit,
best wishes,
Dan Dediu

December 2012,
Ede, The Netherlands